Putting Yourself First

1 min readMay 8, 2017


Early birds vs night owls. The everlasting question to who has the advantage. Personally, I am not a morning person or an evening person. I am considered to be a neither type. This means I can be either or and I don’t have a set time to when I feel my greatest. After watching the following video for homework, I wasn’t too surprised by my results.

I found myself relating to night owls fairly more than I did with early birds. I am able to stay awake late into the night while still being productive. Night owls are more creative according to this video and I am a very creative person. The also are suppose to make more money which I would love to relate to.

My most productive time of the day would be about an hour or two hours after I wake up. This is when I have already eaten and I feel energized and ready to work.

