Journey in Light: Levitation

The following will be a supernatural topic yet few people are aware that its origins are actually in the bible and the most amazing accounts of this is recorded and confirmed with eyewitnesses.

This background picture, was taken in Redding. I have a friend that she felt God told her to climb a mountain that was close to where they where situated in or around redding california. There was such an urgency to go and do this. Well, herself and her boyfriend climbed the mountain to the top and she started levitating off of the ground while they where praying. Being caught up in the spirit with raptures, bliss and ecstasy. Suddenly being lifted 2 foot off of the ground.

When this has finished she had dramatic emotional encounter with God showing His plan for her life and what would follow in the nations of the earth and in her own nation.

This is a preacher known as Little David Walker, while in a tent meeting, he started levitating 2 feet in the air, while preaching at a tent revival being caught up with Gods kingdom.

You might be thinking: “Is this even biblical” well consider this.

in Isaiah it refers to :

Isaiah 60:8 — Who [are] these [that] fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

Elijah was lifted up with a chariot : 2 Kings 2,
Jesus was lifted up: Acts 1:9 -11, Ezekiel lifted by the Spirit: Ezekiel 8:3

Well, quite recently i know of a man that was in a swimmingpool and started to float. He stepped into the realm of the Kingdom outside of his body and suddenly slowly being lifted out of the water and then was floating on top of the water.

Colossians 2:20
“Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances.”

May you journey in the boundless possibilities of the greatness of our God
Be blessed

