When All You Can Do Is Hold A Sign

4 min readAug 22, 2015


This summer has been a parade of horribles. And that’s excluding the nightmare that has become the 2016 presidential primary circus. For the better part of the last few months we’ve watched in horror as the Center for Medical Progress released its undercover videos exposing the Planned Parenthood atrocities. Atrocities is not even the right word. Actually that’s incorrect. There are no words for what we’ve witnessed.

In the first video it was revealed that the “woman’s health organization” that is Planned Parenthood was selling fetal organs of aborted babies, but only for medical research purposes, per its subsequent statements. After the first video I recall reading from friends online “Holy hell, what could be worse than selling body parts of aborted babies?”. We were about to find out.

In the second video, we see ghoul Mary Gatter, Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director haggle over said baby parts so she could, cue the laugh-track, buy a Lamborghini. Hilarious right? Once the laughter subsidies, you’re left to ask the good doctor, “What happened to your primary oath — first do no harm”?

Videos three, four, and five brought a discussion on line-item sales of the individual body parts, how to avoid the perception of selling the body parts across state lines, and how the organization sells fully intact aborted babies, respectively. And let us not forget the fourth video highlighted to the world demonic workers rifling through a heart, kidney, leg, and stomach only to declare with some form of perverse glee “It’s another boy!”

After the first video was released, the defense was that consent was always given by the patient, said theory being completely nuked from orbit in the sixth video when it was revealed Stem Express (the fetal tissue and bio-tech company collaborating with PP to collect the (vomit) extracted baby organs) stated, “If there was a higher gestation, and the technicians needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don’t know. And there’s no way they would know.”? Counter this video about a month after the release of the first video in which Planned Parenthood Head Supreme Ghoul Cecile Richards said “Tissue donation is always done with “full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards”.

Video seven was, by far, the most gruesome, heart-wrenching video of all personally (besides the “It’s another boy!” video — itt really is hard to pick the worst). In it, the video describes the story of harvesting an intact brain from a late-term male boy… whose heart continued to beat after the abortion.

Reading the transcripts alone feels like hell on Earth. This redefines inhumane, cruel, and barbaric. There is absolutely no justification for this “women’s health care” organization to exist, let alone to receive your paycheck earnings. None. Yet here we are. We’re still funding it, because, well, politics. These videos highlight the epitome of the toxic rot of the political culture that cannot even stop money flowing from John and Jane Taxpayer, to the tune of over a half a billion dollars, to an organization that dismembers viable babies with heart that continue to beat after the abortion.

I know many of you have watched these videos/read the transcripts in sheer disbelief, horror, and with weak stomachs and empty hearts. With each rumor of a new video’s release your stomach probably tenses and you feel faint. What’s next? What could possibly come next that could be worse than the video before? And then you find out you were naive to even ask that question.

I don’t know what the answers. I have about zero faith that politicians will do right by these babies. In fact I know they won’t.

But I have faith in people. And I have faith in you. I’ve talked to many of you who have watched the videos despite the fear of the impact to your own mental health and sanity, whereupon, you’ve spent the next half hour weeping in your bedroom or in your work restroom. Been there, done that. But keep watching the videos. Keeping talking to your friends and family about the videos. Spread them on your social media platforms. Daily, weekly, and monthly. Do not relent. They only way this ends is for people to pay witness to what’s happening.

Today I attended my local #ProtestPP rally (I suggest you check out that hashtag on twitter). They will continue nationwide. If you can attend one, do it. You’ll come away with tears, yes, but tears in number. Politicians and their ilk who have enabled this demented, vile organization that is Planned Parenthood will not do the heavy lifting to ensure that Planned Parenthood, at the very least is defunded, and at with the best case scenario, shut down completely. So it’s up to you.

Because if all you can do is hold a sign, that’s a damn good start.




Ladies, the world does not revolve around you, your whims, or your hoo-ha. Suck it up, buttercups.