How to Use Infographics for SEO

Lilit Asatryan
3 min readOct 10, 2014


Wikipedia states: Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.”

Infographic nicely sums up an information and statistics and wraps it up visually. So, if you blog about a topic which covers a lot of statistics and you need to use many charts to present it, the most optimal solution for you is infographic. Your readers will be pleased; instead of having to go over all the material, they will see a very precise infographic which displays the info they need in a coherent way.

When talking technically, an infographic is link bait, a web content appealing enough to share and pass on. However, if you are thinking about infographic as a bunch of pictures with some nice stats put together, then you are strongly mistaken. A lot more efforts and skills are needed to create an infographic before it goes viral. Take a very interesting topic and pay attention to design, it should be presenting. In other words, create an infographic which is worth sharing! And remember, not all infographics are guaranteed to be link baits, it all depends on the quality.

We can go on and on talking about how the infographic should be done, but today, I would like to talk more about the connection between the infographics and SEO.

Higher or Lower SEO Value?

Some say that as being an image infographic has a little SEO value, which means it will not help your website rank higher. Sure, it all depends on who do you target with your infographic. If you are targeting your viewers and readers, then work on making your infographic the best it can be. Because if it is a good one, they are sure to share it. Thus infographics can help you build a number of inboud links to your website. A big part of SEO is building the number of inbound links that point to your website or webpage.

Make a super search engine-friendly infographic!

If you are mostly concerned about the SEO part, then you can create your infographic and place it properly to get what you need. How? Here are some useful tips for you to consider while crafting an infographic.

No matter whether it is a piece of audio or video or an infographic use text, describe the info. First of all, think about having a landing page which should consist of a heading, short description, infographic itself, embed code, open graph meta data and links using target=”_parent”.

The second step you will need to take is converting the infographic into HTML, CSS making them readable for bots. Make sure to use an iframe with the embed code and as you cannot link to a page here, we should use the iframe instead. And the last and very important part is embedding your infographic and make sure to use a canonical tag so that the bots will be able to crawl and read it.

Overall, infographics attract more people than even a very fancy text. With attractive design and graphics infographics are more likely to be read read than a long blog article.

Master the art of data visualization, create an SEO friendly infographic worth sharing!

Originally published at



Lilit Asatryan

Data-minded Product Growth Marketing Professional with 10+ years of broad-based experience in developing marketing acquisition /retention growth strategy.