Animology Dogs Body Shampoo Review

Emma Easter
2 min readMay 3, 2015


I’m sure we have all experienced a time when our dogs have been out playing and rolled in that lovely muddy puddle right in front of our eyes, well I have a puddle surfer and I really wanted a good quality shampoo that didn’t dry out her coat.

I remember browsing my local pet shops for a nice smelling, but quality shampoo and I have to be honest I had a hard time. I travelled further a field and finally found something that I liked the smell of and had the keywords pH balanced! That shampoo was Animology’s Dogs Body and whilst the bottle isn’t massive I hurried off to the till to pay as Lilly desperately needed a shower and I was eager to try this new shampoo.

Now getting Lilly into the shower was never a problem she loves a shower and often takes herself there. After making sure Lilly was suitably wet through I applied a fair amount of this shampoo thinking it would be just like the others and need half a bottle to get through Lilly’ coat…… boy was I wrong! I ended up in a shower full of lather and the amount I used could have done Lilly twice if not three times, it also happened to smell amazing which is always a positive. It was so easy to rinse off exactly as it said on the bottle even with the extortionate amount I put onto Lilly it really did come off easy and well Lilly was more than happy to have the hot shower running over her.

Once out of the shower and all rubbed up Lilly smelt divine and her fur was so soft that everyone wanted to have cuddles with Lilly, which was a totally different story to an hour ago where no one wanted to cuddle her because she smelled awful and well there certainly would have been muddy paw prints all over them. I can certainly see why the folks at Animology take so much pride in this shampoo and why as a brand they have won so many awards. I always keep a bottle of Animology Dogs Body in stock and for the extra smelly stuff I have a bottle or two of their Fox Poo Shampoo which I will be reviewing soon.

Animology Dogs Body Shampoo retails at £4.99

Emma does not receive any reimbursement or products in return for a positive review, all opinions are Emma’s.

Originally published at on April 20, 2015.



Emma Easter

A crazy Labrador owner hoping to share useful products to other dog owners through product reviews.