KONG Zoom Groom Brush Review

Emma Easter
2 min readMay 3, 2015


If you’re like me then I’m sure you have a small fortune invested in various brushes for your dog. Today I’m breaking into my collection to show you one of my favourites, the KONG Zoom Groom.

The KONG Zoom Groom is a rubber brush with little cone like bits sticking out (ok that’s not the technical term but you get the idea) that are meant to massage your dog as you brush. I find that this is a nice way to ensure that the shampoo gets right through to the undercoat and it also loosens any dead coat too, which has to be a win, win situation right?

I also use the Zoom Groom prior to using the FURminator and find that it just makes the loose fur come off in a crazy amount. Now I don’t recommend standing down wind when using this brush unless of course you want a fur coat donated by your dog, because it really does help with the shedding.

I have had my Zoom Groom for approximately a year and I do use it quite a lot and I haven’t noticed any damage to it yet though I can tell you now that as soon as this one starts to show signs of breaking I’ll be ordering a new one, it’s definitely high on my list when it comes to grooming aids, I find it really comfy to hold in my hand and I have rather small hands, even when wet it doesn’t slip out of your hand too easy which is brilliant. KONG also make this brush for cats so if you happen to be a feline household too then you can get one for your dog and one of the cat.

Emma does not receive payments or products to write positive reviews and all opinions and views are those of Emma.

Originally published at lillypaws.co.uk on April 15, 2015.



Emma Easter

A crazy Labrador owner hoping to share useful products to other dog owners through product reviews.