Of Cameras and Robots

2 min readMay 11, 2015


“For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.”

Leonardo da Vinci

The very first camera was invented in the 5th-century BC. Known as camera obscura, it projected a crude upside-down image of a scene into a dark box. Since then, camera technology has leapt forward. From daguerreotypes to dry plates, film to digital, still life to video, the ability to capture and share the world around us has become a cornerstone of human creativity.

However, the core experience has stayed the same. Cameras require an operator. Even today, whether shooting with a smartphone or an expensive DSLR, each shot has to be manually composed. This is limiting for two main reasons:

  • The kind of shots one can create is bound to his/her own skills.
  • The photographer is often left out of the image.

My cofounder and I spent most of our time tinkering with robots while attending college at UC Berkeley. Our passion for personal robotics led us to believe that there is a better way to capture and share the world around us. So two years ago we set out to build the Lily Camera.

The Lily Camera is a personal flying camera that flies itself to document life in a whole new way.

Every now and then a technology comes along that changes the status quo. Forty years ago, the integrated circuit enabled personal computers. Twenty years ago, the internet enabled digital communications. Recent advances in personal robotics are enabling the creation of flying cameras. Our team of leading robotics and camera experts has been hard at work creating a truly revolutionary product.

We are incredibly excited to unveil the Lily Camera tomorrow, May 12th at 9am Pacific.


Lily, CEO & Co-Founder

