Home of the Best Singapore Podiatrist Uncovered

Vivian Lim
3 min readJan 31, 2017

When I started my weight loss project in 2011, I found that aside from a balanced diet, I could do a sports that can help my metabolism to be faster. I naturally became drawn to running as I like going to the park in the morning and have no trouble waking up at 6 a.m. I opted to do a regular morning run and made sure I never miss a day without exercising to maintain my new-found figure. However, in 2014, I accidentally tripped over a huge rock while hiking with my friends. I had to stop running for a while as the accident left my right foot bruised and swollen. I remember how my ankle was alarmingly swollen too. I spent sleepless nights enduring the pain, and I thought there is nothing worse than my condition. I prayed and prayed that my foot will get better with rest and some self-medication, but it has just gotten worse than before. I tried putting ointments, cold compress, and some dry herbs, but nothing seems to work.

And because my condition wasn’t getting any better after a week, I decided to seek out treatments to literally get me back on my feet again. On my extensive search, I chanced upon this website of ECPC — East Cost Podiatry Clinic, a podiatry centre in Singapore. By the way, for those who are not familiar with the term podiatry, it is defined in the company’s official website as “…a branch of medicine devoted to the study and treatment of ailments affecting the foot, ankle and lower extremities. It is a unique and specialized area of healthcare that focuses on the foot and ankle.” And because I have also been feeling some burning pain in the heel on my right foot, I also researched about plantar fasciitis treatment which I read can permanently guarantee the pain to cease.

I asked my mother to accompany me to the clinic and had a very thorough consultation with one of its esteemed doctors. The place was well-maintained, and the staff members were all polite. I liked that the doctor tirelessly explained the treatment and possible procedures that I may undergo, and he was really accommodating even when my questions were quite repetitive — assuring me that everything will be fine. I also noticed how state of the art their facilities are, and how their patients looked so happy with the treatments that they have been getting. We paid a very reasonable price for the treatment, and was even encourage to just consult if ever there are recurring pains that I will encounter. Luckily, it has been 2 years now and I seem to have fully recovered from my fall. I now returned to my running routine, and I am even scheduled to run in a marathon event next month. I signed up as soon as I got back in shape. I am now more careful of the tracks walk into, and I do not self-medicate anymore. I learned my lesson the hard way , and I am gladly sharing this to you. If you suffered the same condition as I did, please do not hesitate to consult the best podiatry clinic in Singapore, and I guarantee your fast and easy recovery.



Vivian Lim

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