My Interpretation Of Michael Jackson’s “Blood On The Dance Floor” artwork:

Wendy White
2 min readFeb 23, 2016
Artist: Will Wilson

A huge funnel cloud in the background is showing some sort of nuclear disaster. Fukushima or some nuclear missile launched into the ocean? Why do I believe that the ocean goes along with the mushroom cloud? The chessboard is covered in water.The figures in the clouds, on the sides of the mushroom cloud, are Gods from every religion in the world. Meaning that everyone has separate religions , but we are all brothers & sisters of the Earth.A city with unusual buildings in the background represents the future cities of the world, not just New York City. The buildings on the chessboard are resting in water. A tsunami caused by a missile or bomb? The reflection is not of the city above,but a different city below? Another dimension? Water & wind is theorized to be a conduit to enter another dimension. I found that out in an article or video about the CERN Hadron Collider. Michael is walking away from the disaster. I think it means that he will lead the survivors away from the disaster. He is wearing a black arm band. Symbolizing death & mourning. He has one fist up in the air. Meaning “Power To The People”. It isn’t just meant for black people,it is meant for every race. Michael wasn’t prejudice. Pyramid buildings & the chessboard floor symbolize the Illuminati. I believe that they will be responsible for future disasters. The global elite are members of the Illuminati. They are the villains that Michael is fighting against. Two pyramids under the water represent lost advanced civilizations like Lemuria & Atlantis which will be found in the future. The Chessboard also represents war or conflict. WWIII? Michael is wearing a red suit. Red symbolizes blood, fire, life force & danger. It can also symbolize love. I think all of those meanings relate to the picture. The crescent moon represents the waning moon. In the occult, the waning moon represents the Maiden. A quote from “There is the legend of the Moon Maiden who collects the wishes and dreams of all living creatures on Earth, they are then dropped into a goblet and swirled together before they are sprinkled back on Earth and become dew.” I think it means that we will have a new beginning after these disasters. A Utopian society will rise from the ashes. A dark blue sky & stars represent the evening sky. The end of a day/end of an era. I believe that Michael was an Empath & a Clairvoyant like me. I believe that he had prophetic dreams of the future & they were portrayed in his album artwork. You don’t have to take my interpretation as fact. I’m just stating my own observations from the image.

By: Wendy “Thorn” White

