4 Meditation Techniques from Headspace to Gain Focus for Beginner

6 min readApr 21, 2022


Ever think of trying meditation for the first time? I think today is the perfect time to start! Let me guide you.

a women meditates in nature
Photo by Felipe Borges: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-meditating-on-rock-2597205/

I’m a beginner at meditation. I don't know much about it until the beginning of 2022.

Here’s my situation back then. I spent too much time on Twitter. I didn't have the motivation to get up from bed, sit in front of my laptop, and do anything I needed to do. I lost focus on what I wanted in life.

Then, I found a meditation series on Netflix called Headspace Guide to Meditation. The narrator, Andy, has a calming voice and he experienced much worse than I did. He told me he got his life back through meditation.

After 4 months of doing meditation, I started to reflect on how I was in 2021 and how I am now in 2022. I feel a significant difference. I get my focus back and I start to plan my life. Also, I have a better quality of sleep than before. It really improves my mood.

If you’re just like me and want to get the benefit of meditation, I’ll guide you through my 4 favorite episodes from Headspace.

What Is It Like to Meditate?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-meditating-in-bedroom-3772612/

First thing first, you’ll feel uncomfortable. You may think this is nonsense and there’s no way for humans to control minds through meditation. So, I’ll challenge you to prove it wrong.

Research shows that meditation helps you stay focused, reduces stress, promotes productivity, and regulates mood. All you need to do is just do nothing for 10 minutes per day.

You can sit down on your favorite couch, lay on your comfortable bed, or anywhere you prefer. Then, take a deep breath. As you breathe, your mind is going to wander, and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Notice where your mind is going. Are you thinking of the next meal for lunch? Does your mind remind you of those problems you’ve been having for a long time? Be aware of it, follow it, and let it go.

I understand that letting go is not easy at first. But the more you train yourself, the easier it would be. Meditation is the perfect gym for training your mind.

So, here’s what you got to do when your mind wanders. I’ll explain it with an example.

Let’s assume that you’re doing meditation right after waking up in the morning. You lay on your bed and take a deep breath. After a while, you notice that you are thinking about what to have for breakfast.

“Should I have milk and cereal for breakfast? Oh, I forgot to buy one. What do I have for breakfast?”

After you notice that, you tell yourself this:

“I am aware that I’m thinking of what to have for breakfast.”

That way, your mind gets the attention it needs and you can focus back on your breath.

Repeat this hard process until the time’s up.

My 4 Favorite Episodes


Now you know what is it like to meditate. Trust me, it’s hard at first. But keep going, it’s for your own good. To make it easier, below are my 4 favorite episodes of meditation from Headspace that help me gain my focus back.

Episode 1: How to get started


This episode guides you through a very basic meditation. Focus on your breath, count your breath, and repeat. That’s it. You don’t need a lot of effort to do it.

In the process, you will notice how your body breathes. Is it long or short? Is it deep or shallow? You will also notice how your body feels when you’re doing nothing.

Noticing your breath and body will be a great experience to start. Finally, you get the attention you deserve.

Episode 3: How to fall in love with life


I personally recommend this episode if you often feel insecure or not good enough lately. This episode will guide you to the feeling of gratitude.

You will focus on the feeling that arises when you think about something or someone that you appreciate the most. Sometimes, you feel the warmth in your chest. Other days, you feel nothing.

But this doesn’t mean you failed. It means you need to practice more to bring out that warm feeling in your chest. The most important thing is that you start to search and notice what you appreciate most in your life.

Episode 4: How to deal with stress


Life is stressful indeed, but there’s no need to be consumed by it. This episode won’t take your stress away, but it surely makes you stronger in a stressful situation. Let me explain.

You’ll be learning a meditation technique called noting. Noting means labeling all the wandering that comes during your meditation session.

For example, when you think about what to have for breakfast, you can label it as “thinking.” When you suddenly realize you feel stressed about life, you can label it as a “feeling.”

It’s not easy, I warn you. But this practice helps your mind grows stronger and you’ll likely be able to stay calm in a stressful situation.

Episode 7: How to deal with anger


You may experience anger in life and that is super okay. However, the way you respond to that anger will determine the quality of your life.

To overcome your anger, watch this episode. You’ll be asked to imagine a person that makes you angry that day. Then, you’ll see beyond this person.

Do you think this person has the same struggle as yours? Do you think this person’s life is difficult too?

Those questions rises your empathy and it’s really good for you. To know that people have their own struggles in life makes us feel less lonely.

The Takeaway

So, I’ve told you what it feels like during meditation. I’ve told you my 4 favorite episodes that guide me in getting my focus back. Now, it’s all up to you.

I’m going to tell you what it’s like for me after 4 months of meditation. I don’t do it every day, sometimes I’m tired and have no energy left to meditate. But recently, I’ve found what works best for me.

I do meditate right after I wake up and right before I go to sleep, on my bed. That way, I reduce the effort to do this useful routine.

After 4 months, I notice that I gain my focus back. I know when to stop scrolling Twitter. I don’t overthink too much the way I did before, so I feel calmer in a stressful situation.

Moreover, I start to notice what I want in life and I am able to make a plan on how to achieve that. That alone is an achievement for me.

So, I really recommend you to try meditation and see the results for yourself.

