2 min readDec 18, 2019

Opening of a second Liqio office

This week, we begin work on an office in Belgium.

Why open another office?

This office will have a special purpose. It will be a test laboratory of sorts.

A little preview:

Yes, there is still some work to be done before the expected result is achieved.

A surface of 100 square meters entirely dedicated to crypto-currency.

This office will offer many possibilities. Firstly, you can get a sneak peek of a new feature if you wish, or simply chat over coffee with some of the team members. Conferences can be organised there.

But the primary purpose of this office will be to offer a physical point of sale, where everyone can come to buy or sell crypto.

Using an exchange is not easy for everyone. With our solution, even those users most uncomfortable in front of a computer can come and buy the crypto present on the exchange. They can pay either by credit card, cash (up to €3,000), cheque or bank transfer.

The fees will be different to those on the exchange; they will be communicated to you later.

If the experience proves successful, other offices will be opened in other cities.

Please note that the opening of the Belgium office is not conditional on the STO, since construction work began today.

Do you have any questions?
There are answers there: Liqio Telegram