Lisk v0.1.3 — Release Announcement

2 min readApr 10, 2016


We have just updated our testnet to the latest Lisk client v0.1.3, which drastically improves syncing speed between peers. According to our tests on the smallest Vultr VPS we have accelerated the syncing speed by 20x. With Lisk v0.1.3 we were able to download 100,000 blocks in 14 minutes (120 blocks per second), compared to Lisk v0.1.2 where we could only sync about 5,000 blocks within the same time. This should bring an end to the synchronisation problems delegates have been enduring, so thank you for your patience.

All testnet delegates are encouraged to update their nodes as soon as possible.

We have also updated our documentation to reflect the new version number.

Changelog v0.1.3

  • Fixed #45. Improved sync / block insertion rate.
  • Fixed #3. Setting X-Frame-Options/CSP headers @fix.
  • Improved logging of received unconfirmed transactions.
  • Improved logging of blocks loading from peer.

Binary Install:

  • Updated bundled SQLite to version 3.12.1.
  • Fixed address in use errors on restart.

Please note: With the release of 0.1.2, we made the testnet public, that means everyone can now install our client and become a delegate. In order to access the public testnet you are required to install Lisk according to our documentation. If you build Lisk from source code you will be on your own local testnet.

Please join our forum or chat if you are interested in testing Lisk.

For reference, you can also track our releases via GitHub:

Kind regards,

Oliver Beddows

