Litecoin Global Roundtable Resolution 001 (2017)

2 min readApr 21, 2017


1. This Global LTC Roundtable Meeting is established to remove misunderstandings and promote industrial consensus. Participating members agree to abide by the results of the vote.

2. We agree that protocol upgrade should be made under community consensus, and should not be unilateral action of developers nor miners. We advocate that Litecoin protocol upgrade decision should be made based on the needs of the users, through the roundtable meeting voting process, and activated by miner voting.

3. We do not advocate a flag-day “UASF” that does not go though any users or community voting process. This type of forced upgrade without community consensus put Litecoin in a risk of split. We condemn any illegal aggressive acts like DDoS.

4. Through a voting process, the participating members unanimously agree to the following plan regarding to Litecoin protocol upgrade:

a. To implement Segregated Witness softfork on Litecoin.

b. When the usage of Litecoin block capacity is over 50%, we will start to prepare for a solution to increase the 1MB block size limit through a hardfork or softfork.

Finally, we want to emphasize that this roundtable meeting represents only the consensus of participating members, and cannot make decision on behalf of the Litecoin community. Our goal is to build a more harmonious community and realize long-term healthy growth, and we wish to have the support from the wider community.

LTC Wechat





BW.COM :Nancy Hu


Collinstar Capital Australia

Creator of Litecoin: Charlie Lee

Easy Mining Tech:Peicai Lee



Innosilicon Tech:Alex

Litecoin Global Roundtable Secretary General:PZ

Ltc1btc:Zhuoer Jiang


Welcome everybody,I am PZ. ^_^

LTC’s QQ group 222433527




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