About eBooks and Bookshops

Diego Queirós
3 min readJun 29, 2018


This whole world of eBooks is kind of a new thing to me and after some time I keep on seeing them as a great alternative for everyone that has no space to keep on accumulating so many books or for the people who want a lighter and more practical way of carrying your personal library in your pocket, and I keep on having the same reservations I had before, I still think that it is a very fragmented market with many formats and the old idea of shackle you to an app. Another con in this whole story are the online stores, although they have search filters and search by interests and so they will never be as great as the experience of entering a bookstore and finding a new book through all the many options and shelves they have and that is very sad to me, ’cause the ones that are hurt badly on these whole deal are the bookstores.

If you are a bookworm you know how good is to arrive home with a new book, enjoy the smell of freshly printed paper, look into every detail on the cover with your eyes and fingers, run through the pages admiring the paper grammage… And if you know how great this feeling is you know that the physical books will last for a long time and you will be able to go to the bookstore and browse for the newest releases and the ones that for some reason you still wasn’t aware of. The problem here is that I’ve made the decision to stop buying physical books by a mere problem off storage space, I don’t have space at home and every new book that I bought I became more desperate with were to put it, and the end of the line for me was when my Dance with Dragons just decided to throw itself from the bookshelf and tear it cover off, for this point onward I’ve decided that I would not buy another physical book. Every new series that I was about to begin reading would be on eBooks only, and that was awesome, but, and will always be a but, what would I do if I love to go to the bookstore to find out about the new releases but I can’t buy eBooks from them? How am I supposed to be fair to them in this way? They will make no money at all from my visit, so my dream is to be able to go to a bookstore, find a book and have the possibility of buying the eBook from them.

Would it be awesome to do that huh? You go to a bookstore, browse for the titles you want, then go to a terminal, scan the barcodes, make the payment and download them straight to your favorite eReader. This would be the best of both worlds and is what I would love to do, but while it doesn’t happen…

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Diego Queirós

Computer Scientist, game collector, tech aficionado, comics guy, and bookworm, well I'm kind of a nerd/geek and I write about this stuff.