Day trip to Powerscourt House & Garden

Starting point: Dublin, Ireland

Nerdy Travelette
3 min readApr 28, 2018
Powerscourt Garden

Powerscourt Garden is n.3 in the World’s Top Ten Garden according to National Geographic. This place is ideal for nature lovers and definitely worth a visit. Note there’s an entrance fee.

Getting there

As I already mentioned it’s just one hour bus trip (Dublin Bus n.44) from Dublin 2 and it’s definitely a pleasant drive. From the bus stop in Enniskerry it takes 15–20 mins walking in a green paradise to get to the gardens.

Dublin bus n.44 at the stop at Enniskerry

Walking towards Powerscourt House & Garden

It takes longer to get there as it’s a bit uphill but on the way back is super fast & you won’t notice the trip.

Walking towards

Japanese Garden

My favourite part of the garden was the Japanese part and it’s cherry trees which was built in the 1908. The best is to visit it in April as the trees are blossoming.

Japanese garden

Triton lake

The lake is nothing less impressive. Beautiful view from the bottom towards the Powerscourt mansion. Relax and enjoy!

Triton lake

Everything else

The entire garden has many different flowers and most of them labeled for all the flower nerds out here.

And that’s not all!

If you have a full day, the Powerscourt waterfall it’s just 6km away from the House & Garden.



Nerdy Travelette

World Traveler interested in Photography and Biking, currently in Netherlands.