Announcing the LiveArt X Card

Founded by Sotheby’s and Christie’s veterans, LiveArt announces X Card mint to help put an end to NFT flipping and speculation. LiveArt release is in partnership with IV Gallery, whose artist roster includes Beeple, Pak, WhIsBe and BossLogic

3 min readMar 15, 2023

Pre-Sale — 4th April 2023

Public Sale — 5th April 2023

Supply — 3,500

Premint Link —

About The LiveArt X Card

The LiveArt X Card is an NFT that grants holders exclusive access to a LiveArt collector circle — to purchase curated digital art that you can trust. At LiveArt, our art market experts and Web3 innovators have celebrated the emergence and rise of a new digital art world and the new technologies that enable this creative transformation. But this new art world has a particular problem: flipping and speculation. The traditional art world has always understood how long-term value is protected, and yet much of the digital art world continues to rug itself.

No more.

The LiveArt X Card ensures that the new breed of true digital collectors are protected from fraud, scams, and flips, and at the same time gain exclusive access to important new digital artworks.

The LiveArt X Card is our next step towards building a community of dedicated art collectors and making LiveArt the platform of choice for top artists and their communities.

Discovery. Expertise. Value


Unparalleled Access

  • Free airdrops.

AI-Driven Data

  • Exclusive access to LiveArt’s AI-generated insights on artists’ markets to help holders make informed decisions about the long-term value of their holdings.

Curation & Exhibitions

  • Pass holders can display their collections for exhibitions in the LiveArt metaverse gallery, curated by esteemed web3 and traditional art curators. Vote on artists chosen for LiveArt projects.

Token Rewards

  • Accelerated $ART token rewards.
  • Given to holders for contributions to creators + community, including buying art, attending IRL events and more.

You’re Invited

  • VIP entry to IRL art world events, web3 events and exclusive networking opportunities.


  • Exclusive access to expert insights and analysis from LiveArt’s in-house art specialists hailing from the top organizations in the art world, including Sotheby’s and Christie’s.

Artists Roadmap

The $ART Token

The first-of-its-kind $ART token powers the LiveArt ecosystem and has utility for both collectors and creators. $ART can be used to buy physical and digital art on the LiveArt platform. Creators can even use $ART to share their artwork across LiveArt’s social media channels, for extra visibility with LiveArt’s community of over 500,000.

Sign up to the Premint here.

Check out the website here:




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