Boys Do Cry — Photo by Kat J on Unsplash

Why We Should Stop Talking About Anti-Male Sexism.

Suffering From Sexism Doesn’t Make You its Target — A Comprehensive Guide

Morgane Q.
16 min readApr 10, 2018


I’ve always been amazed by men who aren’t able to stop themselves from blurting out “But in some cases, men have it worse!” when talking about sexism and inequality. I mean, they do get to be acknowledged as human beings and not as a vagina with (sometimes useful) attachments.

However, this article is not about that. No, this article is about telling them, “You’re absolutely right. But let’s get into that if you don’t mind.”

Quick side note: A drinking game (which gives you random challenges) once instructed me to list every advantage there was to ‘being a woman’. First one unable to come up with anything new loses. The friend playing with me was a fellow feminist. It was both hilarious and ideological torture.

But let’s focus on men’s self-reported issues. When coming up with examples, I’m sorry to say they generally aren’t very creative. Let’s see the ones I’ve heard most often, in order of frequency.

  • Men are expected to offer women drinks or food.
  • Men are expected to make the first move.
  • Men sometimes have to pay full price to get into clubs which are free for women or apply…



Morgane Q.

I like to write about feminism, intersectionality, politics, relationships, and TV shows.