The Cass Report Said Most Trans Kids Are Nonbinary

But then she turns around and acts like they all want medical transition

3 min readMay 31, 2024
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

It was on pg. 90 of the Cass Report

The 16-to-24-year age-group had the highest proportions of people who identified as a transgender woman (0.15% or 9,000), as a transgender man (0.22% or 14,000), and as non-binary (0.26% or 17,000). The proportions
who identified with these categories then decreased in each increasing age group.

In a meeting she says trans kids ‘wished they had known there were more ways to be trans than just a binary medical transition’ and ‘their advice to their younger self would be it’s not urgent, you don’t have to rush.’

In the very same meeting she says puberty blockers were ‘almost totemic’ and then goes on to recommend anti-depressants instead. As if gender dysphoria isn’t even an issue, its just some delusion kids have and the ‘real’ problem is depression.

‘There’s more ways to be trans than a binary medical transition.’ Btw, that doesn’t exclude medical transition, it just means you don’t have to follow to follow a traditional transition path if you don’t want to. If you just want top surgery, get that. If you only want T long enough to change your voice, do that.

