The Sensible Middle is a Trap

When does it become ideological?

2 min readMay 27, 2024
Photo by Jack Gisel on Unsplash

Look, I’m voting for Joe Biden and I encourage others to do the same.

I’ll accept compromise, I get that, that is life.

But some people abuse the definition of the center.

When everything is said and done, we don’t all get to define the center. And the scary thing about being trans is how completely and easily you can see how that center gets shifted. These days we have supposed liberals arguing that puberty blockers are dangerous, transition has no mental health benefits and England is supposedly the sensible center on trans rights.

Then trans people, not a few of whom are trans women, buy into this shit and think ragging on nonbinary people will fix things.

I don’t see where the word nonbinary comes in on bathroom bills or sports bills.

And of course this doesn’t stop with trans care.

Because you see liberals saying Affirmative Action is wrong and DEI goes too far, and Christopher Rufo has a damn article in the New York Times!

Sometimes the center is only a way to trick you into fighting your own and giving them a quick convenient ally. That’s why this idea of social credit comes up. They want to commodify our struggle then weaponize it for themselves when it’s convenient.

I’m not telling you to leave the Democratic Party and vote Green or something. In all honesty, as little as Biden does for us, there’s a lot of people who want him to come down HARD on us. To address their imaginary social contagion. To fight their perceived conspiracy to suppress information on transition.

But I’m not gonna stomach it when liberals use us for cannon fodder.

