Faster Faster, Stop Stop

Two poems about chemical highs and lows



Kinetic was

the way she moved,

all quick kicks,

fast jabs,

hard hits,

and dancing feet.

Frenetic was

the way she felt,

her heart playing

a syncopated beat

that left her gasping,

her mind braiding

shadows into threats.

Anesthetic was

what she craved,

a sinker to pull

her down

and down

and down

into the cool waters

of sleep


Lovely lively lady

cooks and cleans

and fetches

household items

with a manic smile,

hands trembling,

face flushing,

heart pumping,

mind tweaking,



Lizella Prescott

Writer with two kids and three dogs. Occasional editor @weekdaypoems on Twitter. Not really a lizard.