Music Interview — Blackheath Conservatoire

London by Londoners
4 min readSep 25, 2017

Profile Interview with Henry Bauckham, tutor at the Blackheath Conservatoire, SE3

If you’re an SE3 resident, you may already know about the gem of an organisation The Blackheath Conservatoire. It’s a wonderful, creative environment, just up the hill from Blackheath Station, where babies, kids and adults can attend affordable courses in a wide range of Arts subjects. Whether you want to learn art, drama, or our favourite subject — music, this is an inspiring and nurturing environment to get you started.

To find out more, I chatted to Henry Bauckham, tutor and former student of the Conservatoire, about his #MyMusicMemory, what inspires him to make music and why he wants to pass the gift of music on to others.

What was the first single you ever bought?

I believe it was ‘Crawling’ by Linkin Park. Before that I just listened to whatever my older sister had!

What song or piece of music gives you the emotional shivers and why?

‘Let Down’ by Radiohead gets me every time. What a masterpiece.

Radiohead — Let Down live at Glastonbury via YouTube

What genre of music do you enjoy the most and why?

I would say variation of genres is what makes me satisfied; I usually listen to different music from classical to metal in the same day.

Do you play an instrument or sing?

I play guitar, double bass, bass guitar, drums, ukulele, mandolin, piano and I own an accordion but that’s about as far as as my skills go because it’s the hardest instrument in the world. I used to be in a fairly successful electro pop band, so once that split up I was pretty much done with making original music. Now I play in a covers band with some old friends which is great fun!

Tell us about your best and worst performances.

Best performance — Manchester Academy. 5000 people was pretty exciting. Worst performance — one gig where I was so hungover I threw up immediately after coming off stage…. not fun.

Henry teaching at The Conservatoire

What aspect of music are you most inspired by and what has motivated you to get others involved?

The transcendence that music offers is amazing, and the expression it can give you for things that can’t be put in to words. That’s something I think everyone should have!

What was the last gig or concert you went to and what did you think?

The last gig I went to was to see my friend JJ Draper, who I promise you is going to be huge in a few years. He’s like Jeff Buckley meets Bon Iver meets Rufus Wainwright.

If you could pick anyone, alive or dead, who would be your dream festival headline trio of acts?

Amazing question. Jeff Buckley, Michael Jackson, The Beatles. Seriously, imagine that.

Thanks Henry — some excellent choices there!

The Conservatoire has been going for over 120 years and long may it continue as a creative hub in our South London community. Head to the Conservatoire website, to check out the list of Autumn courses.

Conservatoire Course Guide

There’s also a fabulous cafe with loads of space for small people to roam about in the two huge sandpits. Well worth popping in for a brownie and a play!

The Brockley Deli at The Conservatoire

Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment and share if you want to help spread the word about opportunities for local people to get more involved in the Arts.

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