Notwestminster 2016 is one to check out

Dave Mckenna
1 min readJan 4, 2016

12th & 13th February
The Media Centre, Huddersfield

(You will need to get a taxi straight from Webstock)

Want to help redesign local democracy? This event is for everyone who has something positive to say about local democracy and for anyone who is up for a challenge.

We’re bringing people together to create and share new ideas for doing local democracy at our second “We’re not in Westminster any more” event in February 2016 in Huddersfield. It’s a free event, organised by volunteers, and open to everyone who is interested in doing something to improve our local democracy.

Please come and take part in two days of making, thinking, discussing and creating. Notwestminster 2016 includes a Local Democracy Maker Day on Friday 12th February. Our main event includes workshops, lightning talks, creative activities and lots of opportunities for making contact with others who are interested in local democracy. Our main event is on Saturday 13th February. There will also be a PechaKucha on Friday evening, social activities and public events.

Website here.

Book your tickets here:

Notwestminster 2016- book now

Local Democracy Maker Day 2016 — book now



Dave Mckenna

Public servant. #Localgov #Scrutiny Policy person. Dad. Husband. Citizen. Politics PhD.