The iPhone Turns 10! How Mobile Engagement Has Evolved Since 2007 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Localytics Marketing Team
2 min readJun 29, 2017


Back on January 9, 2007, when Steve Jobs announced that Apple was releasing the first iPhone ever, he told the hundreds of people in his audience that it was three devices in one: an iPod, a phone, and an “Internet communicator.” Perhaps what impressed everyone most at the Macworld conference where Jobs made the announcement was the fact that the whole device could fit in your pocket. Jobs went on to make the bold prediction that his new product would revolutionize the phone forever.

It turns out that he was right.

While at the time it would have been difficult for most of us to fully appreciate the importance of the iPhone, let alone the astronomical success it would be over the decade that followed, we now have a very different perspective. Today, 10 models and 10 iOS updates later, the iPhone has evolved into one of the most powerful products on earth. It has also completely transformed the face of mobile engagement.

In honor of the iPhone’s tenth anniversary, we’re paying tribute to how it has evolved over the years and has forever changed mobile engagement.

Click here to see the infographic (it was too large to load directly onto Medium).

