LockChain Rebranding to LockTrip — Completed!

LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2018

We are excited to announce that the re-branding process has been completed.

The migration to the new domain name — LockTrip.com is permanent and all redirects have already been set. The change affects only the website and name of the project. The (LOC) token will stay the same and all token and exchanges related operations will continue to function as usual.

The alpha marketplace has also been moved together with all the content and complex backend modules to alpha.locktrip.com and extensive testing has been done to ensure it works smoothly for all the people that wish to book their accommodation.

Together with the change of the brand, we have also deployed our completely new website and heavily upgraded road-map.

The New Road-map

The new road-map has a strong focus towards making the LockTrip marketplace as user friendly as possible and offering a service which is as valuable as possible. Work has already began and we have made significant progress for some of these tasks already.

Some of the highlights of the road-map:

  • Greatly improving Hotels Images and Content/Description — we’ve worked hard to secure quality content to be able to compete with the strongest players in the market (in terms of quality of content). Deployment is scheduled for Aug 2018
  • Localizing/Translating 100% of the website and hotels content into multiple languages — beginning with Chinese and Russian as soon as Aug 2018 and setting an end goal of having the website in 20+ languages to support as much people as possible
  • Strong focus on implementing Fiat payments in order to eliminate the “crypto” barrier to average travelers
  • Launch of mobile apps — To make the mobile experience as smooth as possible for iOS and for Android users
  • A unique affiliate platform with token rewarding that would become an integral part of our long term sustainable marketing
  • Airdrop for making LOC and the LockTrip travel services more popular
  • DAPP integration to govern the bookings and to lock the tokens throughout the duration of the trip
  • Air travel service launch — We have made amazing progress in the business development and are confident we will be able to offer very competitive prices for air travel in the same way we did for hotels. The target price cut with air travel will be in the 5%–8% when compared to the cheapest alternatives out there (e.g. Expedia.com). That price difference will be tremendous considering how strong the big players are.

What follows next is gradual updating of our social media channels (change of cover photos, profile pics, titles, headings, profile links etc). Some of these settings need to be update with the help of the support teams of the respective platforms, which is why we have put a deadline of 30 days from this moment onwards.

We want to thank our community for the tremendous support and for making LockTrip such an exciting project!

Join LockTrip telegram for more information!



LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog

Blockchain & fiat powered marketplace.Hoteliers & landlords list/rent property & manage bookings,& pay no commission. Retweets R not endorsements.