LockTrip Blockchain | 1. Marketplace Marketing

LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
4 min readOct 7, 2018

You probably all have read the LockTrip Blockchain Manifest by now. If you have not, now is the time to do so. Because this element of our project will be very essential from now on.

While the Manifest answers many questions in great detail, some topics have to be put into the right context in order to be fully understood. This is, why we are now starting a series to illustrate all the implications the new blockchain will have on the LOC token and the Marketplace.

Starting with Marketing

Imagine a whole ecosystem of projects building their products and services on top of the LockTrip blockchain. To understand the marketing value of this, let’s examine the value of one single project first.

Project ICO

Let’s say a team wants to build its gaming platform on top of LockTrip. In order to launch it, they will have to conduct an ICO first.

This means, they will have a whitepaper mentioning LockTrip several times (like our initial whitepaper mentioned Ethereum several times) and every potential investor will read through this whitepaper or at least through the website of the project.

As many people will not have heard about LockTrip before, it is very likely that there will be a separate section dedicated to LockTrip, explaining why the project preferred this rather “exotic” and unknown blockchain.

As a result, every project doing marketing for itself, will automatically do marketing for LockTrip aswell. While we will be providing them technology for free, they will be providing us with free marketing. A win-win situation.

Project Community

It is in the interest of the above mentioned project, to attract as many people and investors as possible; both to secure funding and to have a first user base for their future gaming platform. Every community does some kind of word of mouth marketing, regardless of it being intended or not.

With LockTrip being an essential technological element of the gaming project they are affiliated with (maybe even enabling key features of the project due to advanced smart contract technology), it is very likely that LockTrip will be mentioned at least once for every new introduction.

Token Transactions

Every token holder of this gaming project will have to use and thus know about LOC, in order to execute a transaction. This is simply because LOC will be needed to pay for the transaction fees the same way ETH is currently needed to execute a LOC transaction on the Ethereum network.

Product Marketing

At the end, each project will try to market their developed product in order to increase adoption rates. Depending on the product type and business strategy of the project, this can have a great impact on the mass market audience.

To stay with our example, the gaming company could offer their gamers to pay with LOC coins for ingame products, as an alternative to PayPal (like we will accept BTC and ETH payment for hotel bookings). This can unlock a completely separate target audience.

Trading Pairs

By default, it will make sense for projects to have a LOC/Token trading pair on exchanges. Similarly to the LOC/ETH pair currently being the most important trading pair for us.

The Ethereum Analogy

There are many more factors contributing to the marketing value, but the idea is always the same. Ethereum is not popular and widely known because of the blockchain features itself, but because many projects made it popular over time through their combined marketing efforts outlined above.

While Ethereum profits from this marketing greatly, imagine if it was not only a blockchain infrastructure, but also a very useful travel marketplace. Wouldn’t you know about it? Wouldn’t you consider using it?

LockTrip is the first marketplace with 0% commission where you can save on average 20% on your hotel and rental bookings compared to anywhere else. Learn how to buy LOC tokens to enable access to our marketplace and its lower prices here!

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  • The example about the gaming platform is completely made up
  • The Analogy with Ethereum is to illustrate the reasoning behind the marketing impact. Ethereum has more than 1,500 projects built on top.



LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog

Blockchain & fiat powered marketplace.Hoteliers & landlords list/rent property & manage bookings,& pay no commission. Retweets R not endorsements.