LockTrip Wins the KuCoin Voting Competition

LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2018

Dear Community Members!

All the hard work paid off.

We are proud to announce that LockTrip won the KuCoin Voting Competition.

Two weeks ago, we ended the voting competition at 3rd place regarding the raw vote number.

1st. apollo — 37510 votes
2nd. SilentNotary — 21041 votes
3rd. LockTrip — 13723 votes
4th. Vexanium — 10260 votes
5th. NOBS Crypto — 5941 votes

Since then, KuCoin conducted a detailed vote analysis and weeded out fake votes from real ones.

As a result, LockTrip got selected as the winner. Here is the official announcement from KuCoin:

Two things are especially important to note. First of all, this is a testament that the industry is moving in the positive direction and that hard work, value and organic growth matter in the end.

Secondly, it shows that the raw vote count does not mean anything. It is very easy to fake votes and people will always try to use this for their benefit. That’s, why we should never be discouraged by the rankings before the vote analysis is completed.

Same goes for our currently running Binance competition. We are aware that some are discouraged to vote when looking at the vote numbers. We hope that those people are now convinced that every vote counts and the winner is not defined until the final announcement has been made by Binance.

Submit your vote here if you have not done yet. Achieving the 4th place could carry us to another victory.

(Read how to vote in 5 minutes)

In any case, we want to thank our supportive community once again for being with us on this road.

We will update everyone regarding the rewards, which were promised for winning the KuCoin competition. Stay tuned.

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LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog

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