Meet Georgi Georgiev, the new CTO of LockTrip! (LOC Token) Official Blog
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4 min readOct 23, 2018

The LockTrip Team is growing!

We are delighted to introduce Georgi, who will from now on lead all technical developments at LockTrip and add great value to the project.

Georgi Georgiev

Let’s start with his achievements before joining us!

Pre-LockTrip Career

Georgi started his career as a Linux Kernel developer at Sysmaster and continued to work at Telco Systems afterwards. There, he developed a memory manager for the VxWork operating system of Wind River Systems and also lead the team behind their firewall solutions.

Until 2009, he was involved in a project that was targeting to migrate the network equipment of the US army to IPv6 through the InfoWeapons Corporation.

Meanwhile he was a part-time lecturer at both the Sofia University and the New Bulgarian University, where he taught the subjects ‘Network Security’, ‘Secure Programming’ and ‘Wide Area Networks’ for several semesters.

In addition, he worked as a software engineer on multiple projects such as Zoiper and at the company Johnson Controls.

Experience with the Blockchain

His first professional touch with the blockchain was on a project for a fairly provable version of Texas Hold’em in 2012.

The most recent blockchain related project was to develop the distributed economy and architecture behind the charity-targeting project Tresaro.

Core competences

  • Cryptography
  • Networking Distributed/Decentralized Systems
  • Embedded Systems
  • Telecommunications
  • Linux & FreeBSD Kernel
  • Native mobile apps as well as Web apps

While this list is surely not complete, you will quickly recognize that his area of expertise is very suiting for LockTrip. We thus believe that he will add great value to our team and improve the quality of our platform and systems on a daily basis.

In addition to his system architecture and development knowledge, he is also equipped with outstanding hacking skills. Coupled with his cyber security expertise, LockTrip is in good hands when it comes to protection and avoiding potential vulnerabilities.

How Georgi sees his Role at LockTrip

“I believe that LockTrip already proved that it’s a real, working platform, based on the blockchain. Somebody already did the main task for me — building a great product out of nothing.”

What I envision for the future of LockTrip is concerning two main aspects of our development — the LockTrip blockchain and the LockTrip booking service. Our target is to ultimately become a truly decentralized platform, by employing the advantages of our new blockchain and our new, two-level node architecture.

We also seek to optimize our already pretty effective R&D process, by applying a more strict and business-oriented model of development (departing from the Rapid Development Model and moving to a more agile and structural model). Here is where a technical, hard-core guy like me comes into play. I never give up, because I always believe that there are means to achieve any kind of technical goal. I’ve also got decades of technical experience with decentralized systems and networking, which I very much like to add to the already stellar team.”

What Georgi means by “applying a more strict and business-oriented model of development”, is basically to transform the development processes of LockTrip from a start-up stage where flexibility has priority, to a truly professional level at international standards where priorities switch to using fixed procedures with clear structures.

This is important so that the final product will be easier for feature upgrades, support and utilization by other developers around the world.

A Statement from Nikola Alexandrov, the CEO of LockTrip

Nikola Alexandrov:

“We are on the ambitious plan to not only be the best travel company, but also to become a leading blockchain developer. This requires great technical talent which Georgi possesses. I believe his skills will further leverage our achievements and this will have a direct positive impact on our technology development by improving the quality and delivery of new features as well as overall architecture.”

Georgi will also be present in the community chat from time to time.

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