Recap of the Voting Competition and a BIG Thank You! (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2018

Dear Community Members!

First of all, we want to thank you for your immense support throughout the Voting Competition.

Many of you worked hard to promote LockTrip and invited people to vote for us. We also noticed that some members provided us great support regarding the management of the Telegram group around the clock.

Thanks to you, we secured the 3rd position in the Voting Competition. KuCoin will now take around 2 weeks to analyse the voting data and weed out bots and fake votes. The official winner will be announced afterwards.

But regardless of the outcome, we are very proud of the achievement and want to outline why this competition was a win for us in any case:

  1. Due to the attention we received, many new investors joined us and bought LOC tokens over those three days.
  2. We grew our core community by many valuable members, who will add great value from now on.
  3. We now have a much better leverage in terms of getting listed on KuCoin.
  4. We secured the (unofficial) 3rd position among more than 150 projects!
  5. Compared to our competitors, we spent much less on promotion and the Airdrop.
  6. In the process of the competition, we built an independent group of airdroppers, which can be leveraged in the future if needed. You can view it here.
  7. With the additional requirement of voting, we weeded out fake users from real users regarding the initial Airdrop we had. This makes our Airdrop one of the most efficient in the Crypto-History.

At this point, we also want to apologize for the frequent Emails we sent out. We are aware that they were annoying. We will slow down with those from now on!

If you voted for LockTrip, please make sure to read this in order for your vote to count!

A few facts about our work during the 3 days of the Voting Competition:

Total Emails sent out (not all were sent to everyone) → 11

Total Tweets sent out → 20

Total Facebook posts sent out → 20

Total messages in the main group → 16,000+

Individual questions answered (through all channels) → 3,000+

Total votes for LockTrip → 13,723

As you can see, we spent a great effort to make sure everything works out smoothly!

We will update you soon with more info. Thank you!

LockTrip is the first marketplace with 0% commission where you can save on average 20% on your hotel and rental bookings compared to anywhere else. Learn how to buy LOC tokens to enable access to our marketplace and its lower prices here!


-- (LOC Token) Official Blog

Blockchain & fiat powered marketplace.Hoteliers & landlords list/rent property & manage bookings,& pay no commission. Retweets R not endorsements.