LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2017


We are excited to announce our partnership with SoftUni.

SoftUni was created by our founder Hristo Tenchev and technology advisor Svetlin Nakov back in 2014, to what has now become one of the leading Technology Academies in Bulgaria.

Nakov has a long background in building tech acadamies. He was the main power behind Telerik Academy, with over 9000 people completing their courses. Tenchev, also a programmer himself, joined Nakov in building SoftUni, where it now holds over 50 educational programming courses per year.

It was just six months ago, when Aeternity had announced their partnership with SoftUni, to educate BlockChain technology in Bulgaria, via courses and seminars.

SoftUni is now offering several courses around Solidity (Ethereum’s programming language), with 400+ enrolled developers.

Having SoftUni as our partner and backbone, allows us to dive into what will be one of the largest (global) pool of certified Solidity Developers, to keep expanding LockChain’s footprint on Ethereum’s platform.

Bulgaria has a strong potential to become a powerhouse in the blockchain industry, due to the support and growth of a very talented software development community.

Our advisor and Aeternity founder, Vladislav Dramaliev, holds a bi-monthly crypto-meetup with over 2000 attendees. A growth of 100x since last year.

We see great things coming our way with the support of SoftUni!

You can reach us on the following channels:

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LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog

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