LUXLOCK: The startup company you should be following and why.

6 min readOct 20, 2017

Earlier this year, I made some predictions in Innovate or Die: 5 Omni-channel Strategies Amazon is Trying to Outrun. As a part of those predictions, I talked a little bit about the “barbell effect” and how there would be a dichotomy between luxury/high-end, customized, boutique firms that offered a unique customer experience for a premium and hyper-local/convenience based omni-channel models competing on price.

This post will spotlight a startup company out of New York City that is a perfect example of the barbell effect in action. Luxlock is gearing up to take luxury customer experience to the next level.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Casey Golden, Founder and CEO of Luxlock. Luxlock is a Fully-Integrated Live-Merchandise Selling Platform and Omni-channel Management Solution focusing on high end retail brands from the premium denim industry and spans across the contemporary, luxury apparel, beauty, and lifestyle products.

  • For shoppers, “Luxlock makes it easy for your favorite brands to roll out the red carpet.”
  • For retailers, “Our clients share one common goal; whether a top luxury brand, specialty retailer, pure play e-tailer, or a new wearables start up deliver an exceptional shopping experience.”




Sales nerd, Dad, Front man followed by Corporate real estate and supply chain advisory