F*CK IT! is also a strategy.

Loise Loloh
2 min readMar 21, 2022


I don’t have to have met you or know your name to know that you have gone through seasons in your life that school, family and even books could never prepare you for.

From loss of a loved one, feeling lost in life, deep rooted unhappiness to even the good stuff: getting married, starting a family, the job promotion or financial breakthrough — all these & more bring something out of you & grow new pages in you.

Even though most of these stages may be ‘necessary’, the journey doesn’t always feel amazing.
There seems to be this blue print that dead people left us with on what age to get married, start families, have that dream home, be financially free etc; & we keep passing this blue print over and over without questioning if it’s right for self. Choosing this inherited design mostly leaves us with critical self analysis on most, if not all the choices we make & subconscious comparisons.

‘Did I marry the right person?’
‘Employment or Entrepreneurship?’
‘Do I really want kids?’
‘Am I happy?’
‘Am I ok?’
‘Am I a good mum? Dad? leader? Person? Wife? Husband?...’
‘Is the grass truly greener on the other side?’

And the list goes on and on…….

So, while having a rough couple of days I turned inwards and to a friend or 2 .. and this was my main takeaway — F*CK it is also a strategy!!.
What may start out right might end up so wrong, you have no way of knowing. You make choices as best you can with the information you have at the time…. If that information changes, it’s not on you that the initial decision was wrong….it was right at that time.

So for as long as you know you are doing the best you absolutely can with the information you have at hand — then F*ck the curve balls that life throws. We can’t always know how life will turn out- But we can trust ourselves to always work towards a result we desire.

You will never know what tomorrow holds, so just build yourself to be someone who can handle however tomorrow looks.

PS. Plot twist — Sometimes the journey is amazing and worth every step, not everything is a growing pain. So when you get to the metaphorical penthouse, please enjoy the view. It’s not always doom & gloom.

If you can capture the sunset through a ring, you can surely shine your essence in the dark

This article is one individuals current take on life, to be viewed for general information and/or entertainment purposes.



Loise Loloh

Lover of life, sharing experiences and views on personal growth in love, work and whatever else comes.