The Education System’s Roots and The Upshot of Technology.

In the beginning, way before the rise of Ivy League universities and student loans, education was attained by children through self-directed play and exploration. This was a time where people were simple hunters and gatherers, but in no way does it entail their lack of finesse and expertise in their field. At the time, the means of survival meant that people needed to adapt quickly to its harsh milieu, as well as have the mental acuity to balance information about the animals, plants and everything needed to thrive in their environment. Modern times, however, shifted the way children learn.

In retrospect, schools are relatively new to society. Its early years are built on the idea of punctuality and the keen ability to follow directions. Meanwhile, national leaders saw schooling as an opportunity to nurture patriots and future soldiers. Furthermore, blending into the mix are reformers who see the value of education in improving the lives of children by offering a vast array of information for creating upstanding, well-rounded citizens. All these factors are what built the foundation of education as a place to grow with a solidified sense of moral and intellectual grounding.

Nowadays, higher education has become a privilege, one that isn’t as accessible to people as it used to be. This economic stagnancy on education may be the sign that a new wave of system is needed, which is why the LOL ecosystem of European International University is a solid contender for the future of education. In that regard, LOL is a system that brings education back to the hands of the public using blockchain technology.


Going back a few steps, blockchains were first introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto as a digital ledger for bitcoin. Currently, it has widened its reach as various industries are using it to put them a few steps ahead in the daily grind of competitive markets. Because of its novelty in the landscape of education, one of its popular use mostly focuses on providing authentic records of student credentials and competencies.

In regard to a student’s degree and certifications, integrating blockchain technology with online classrooms allow for more than one course to be attained. The use of badges, for example, seamlessly fits with the current need for flexibility. Contrary to traditional courses, this allows students to explore various small-scale subjects related to their preferred course. These are also accredited, which formal credentials rarely give recognition for.

As such, the LOL system makes a transformative step in creating individuals equipped with a balanced set of skills and knowledge of their own volition, guided by skilled and trained tutors. More importantly, it breaks former barriers as education is powered and distributed to all. While it doesn’t magically solve the ongoing problems of students — such as a seemingly life-time of debt, poor quality of teaching and limited resources — LOL system is still an indispensable tool that is creating innovative solutions for a sounder future to students.



European International University Paris
Pedagogy — Higher Education

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