London IT Support Company

Bobby Dolores
3 min readNov 14, 2022

At the Service Desk and IT Support Show, which took place in London on April 27–28, Teamstudio® showcased their “GEDYS IntraWare 7 Service” solution.

Over 5000 people have indicated that they plan to attend the Service Desk and IT Support London Show in London on April 27–28 in order to acquire new knowledge that will allow them to enhance the quality of the service and support that they provide.

The capabilities of GEDYS IntraWare 7’s Service module were shown by Teamstudio®, an established provider of software and services to the Lotus Notes® community as well as a commercial partner of GEDYS IntraWare in the United Kingdom. The Service module provides a tailored answer for Service and Helpdesk Management by integrating Workflow procedures. Its integrated ITIL Best Practices ensure that service procedures are deployed in the most effective manner possible. Guests who stopped by the exhibit staffed by Teamstudio and GEDYS IntraWare were shown how the “Service” application can be customized to fit each visitor’s unique workflow for improving operational effectiveness. The management of complaints, knowledge, contracts and inventories are all included in the functionality of this module alone. Automating such operations not only saves time but also ensures that they are carried out consistently.

The visitors were very enthusiastic about this powerful tool for providing service, which makes it simple for them to quickly handle customer requests, shorten their reaction times by clearly defining internal processes and responsibilities, and increase their customer satisfaction as a result.

Additionally, Richard Finlay, CRM Solutions Manager at Teamstudio, expressed his extreme contentment with the event, stating, “It’s the first time that Teamstudio and GEDYS IntraWare have exhibited at the Service Desk Show. We were able to deploy GEDYS IntraWare 7 to Lotus Notes IT and Service Experts in the UK market, and it proved to be an excellent platform for us to do so.

The “Service” component of GEDYS IntraWare 7 is an integral aspect of a robust CRM system that is both modular and multi-functional. This system has been recognized by IBM as the “Best London IT Support Company.” The GEDYS IntraWare 7 product range features not just a comprehensive suite geared toward customer service but also powerful solutions that are geared toward sales and marketing. Companies can employ professional solutions such as address maintenance, electronic customer filing, workflow automation, and campaign management with the help of these versatile modules. These solutions even extend all the way up to sales management with adjustable sales tactics and ITIL-Helpdesk. In addition, as one of the most prominent manufacturers, GEDYS IntraWare provides a comprehensive Java/J2EE solution for the management of office work and contacts, which is based on technology developed by IBM. This solution is used by the company. GEDYS IntraWare is a one-stop provider that offers cutting-edge items from a curated group of manufacturers. These cutting-edge products can be cleverly incorporated into the GEDYS IntraWare 7 system.

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