What exactly is an allergy?

London Allergy
3 min readMar 8, 2019


Each year millions of people are afflicted with symptoms that come with having allergies to common things that are found floating in the air every day. While some are able to enjoy the beautiful weather without an issue, many are struck down with the sniffling, sneezing and congestion that only allergy sufferers know all too well. There’s still hope for those looking to manage their allergy symptoms better and it comes with understanding exactly what an allergy is and what it means to take control of the symptoms that come with suffering from allergens.

For those who may be aware exactly what an allergy is or what is classified as an allergy it simply is this: When your body’s immune system is under the belief that something harmful has either made contact with your skin or entered your body, in which your body tries to defend itself against. You may be wondering, what is it about pollen that makes the body go in to full attack mode? We can explain that as well. You see, when you get sick your body has a database that it creates and it’ll remember every illness you’ve had, and remember to attack it if noticed in the body again.

For instances, when you come down with the flu, the body knows that it’s harmful and goes on the attack against it. While doing so, the first time you’ve ever had the flu it already put that in its metaphorical database so it would know how to respond the next time you have the flu. Due to the fact that allergy symptoms often replicate in some cases the same symptoms as something such as the flu, it stores it in its database and attacks accordingly. Allergies happen when our body happens to mistake something non harmful as being harmful and does what it’s made to do.

Some common culprits behind most allergies happen to be everyday things such as:

· Pollen from trees and plants

· Animals (dander especially)

· Dust

· Mold

· And sometimes more specific allergies as in food, medications, plants and so forth.

What do I do?

There honestly isn’t a ton that can be done for those who suffer from allergies. The fact remains there is no cure out there for those who do suffer from allergies. However, with the proper medication, you can treat your symptoms and live a relatively normal lifestyle. Speaking with a family physician or seeing an allergy doctor can dramatically increase a life free of most flair up’s and getting you back to enjoying what you love to do most — spend time outdoors. Some cases of course can be managed with over the counter medication, but each person is different as is their bodies response to how it’ll deal with the allergens. The best thing to do is pinpoint what’s causing your symptoms and work on avoid those specific things if not removing them from being around you all together.

