Compiling C++ = Coffee Break?
C++ JIT to the rescue!

1 min readJul 20, 2016


Long compile times are a huge problem.

As programmers, we want to iterate on our ideas quickly, particularly if our application includes visual elements, where look and feel is important. As our projects grow in complexity, iteration becomes slower and slower.

Experienced C++ engineers tackle this by using a variety of techniques: compiler firewalls, type erasure, refactoring code into shared objects and embedded scripting languages.
Each approach has its merits, but all of them force us to compromise the source-code in some way, or even the performance of the running application.

Scripting languages allow logic to be modified at run-time, but this approach has a performance and engineering overhead. The integration points must be defined ahead of time, and might change later. Some scripts may need to be rewritten if they show poor performance characteristics.

In an ideal world, C++ itself would be usable like a scripting language. It should be possible to make code changes and see the result immediately, without restarting.

At LoopPerfect, we are making this scenario a reality with Jyt, a just-in-time compiler for C++.

Watch the demo or visit our website to try the beta.

