Get Serious About YouTube!

3 min readMay 18, 2017


Let’s face it, whether you have one video or you’re working on multiple videos, it’s time to get serious about video and YouTube. Video content is very popular on Facebook. However, YouTube was and still is the number one destination for video content. After all, this social network is a pure video-sharing platform and has been since its birth in 2005.

Even after being around for 12 years, it’s not too late to get rolling on the platform. Currently there are 1 billion hours of YouTube content watched everyday. 55% of people watch video online everyday and the living room watch time for YouTube is growing by 90%. With 1 billion hours getting watched there is no reason why any brand shouldn’t be taking advantage of capturing just a small percentage of the billions of people around the world watching video.

This advice that you should get on a video platform is easy for a company like LooseKeys who makes videos everyday. Not always so easy to tackle for those who aren’t already active content creators. Don’t stress, there are a ton of different ways to jump into the YouTube game. Some of the most popular videos on YouTube are, Un-boxing, Tutorials, Gameplay, Vlogs and reviews.

At LooseKeys we mainly use our YouTube channel as a portfolio, it’s an easy place for new clients to see what kind of videos we’ve done and get a sense of the quality clients will get when working with us. We’ll also post original animation there as well; those range from 10 seconds to 3 minutes. This keeps our page active between client projects and allows us to experiment.

Start small with your channel, post that explainer video you currently have and then from there build content around it. When LooseKeys worked with Tempo a few years ago we created a video for each one of their platforms.

From there, they posted additional work through videos of their software on their YouTube channel. So after someone sees your more attention grabbing animated video, they could then dive deeper into the software to discover more about your company or product.

Since YouTube is the #2 search engine behind Google, this means that just by having video content about a topic related to your business this will help you be seen by people. Being owned by the largest search engine, definitely has its advantages. One of those is that, when relevant, YouTube videos appear as some of the results on the first page. This means that Google gives YouTube videos the same importance as your website content or your blog.

What’s the one thing we all do when we want to learn more about a topic? We search! And, if we need to see it or hear about it in a natural tone (some of us are visual learners), we search YouTube. You know this and your customers know this too. Why let them search and then land on one of your competitors?

Beyond just posting videos and sharing your knowledge on your subject, YouTube offers fantastic engagement tools. No matter what anyone says about YouTube comments, it’s still a place brands can build their community and have a two way conversation with fans.

LooseKeys founder Brad Chmielewski does just that with his Vainglory channel, Shatter The Vain. Having a place to communicate with fans and learn what they like or don’t like can help make better videos. You have instant feedback from the entire world, something you don’t get when releasing a commercial on broadcast television.

It’s been 12 years but YouTube continues to grow and is continuing to take more eyeballs away from broadcast television.

If you have a business or are trying to build a brand then YouTube is a place you should be focusing some serious attention. If you need any help getting started with that first video or help building a series, we’d be glad to help at LooseKeys. Send us a message and we’ll start telling your story together.




We are Animators, Editors & Storytellers helping companies large and small attract customers with creative videos.