Lordmancer II dev log. Chapter 10.

Lordmancer II
4 min readJul 13, 2018


It has been a long while since the last dev log. We have many news to share with the community. This post is devoted to Lordmancer II game and its improvements.

This week we released quite a big update of the game which contains a lot of changes and bug fixes.

What’s new
- Absolutely new Wildlands have replaced old ones!
- After a re-login, a hero is restored to the exact place where they left the game. Checkpoints exist on some safe places and are used to resurrect a hero after a defeat.
- Items in the shop are filtered according to the hero level
- A filter by currency in the shop
- An indication of elite bots on the map: green -> blue -> violet -> orange -> red. The more powerful enemy is, the better items you can loot.
- Enhancement level of items is now shown on the hero profile
- A hero health bar in the battle refers now to a remaining leadership instead of a health of units
- Shrines are now available from the 14th level and added to Clan and Wild Lands
- A new formula which is used to calculate the hit points in battles. An influence of hero skills (Strenght and Intellect) is now quite more straight than before
- Portals to Dungeons have been added to Clan Lands
- After a first defeat, you will be thrown away from a Dungeon

Bug fixes
- A mix of quests from different NPCs
- A list of online players on a reflection
- Game client performance optimization including a memory leak that could lead to a crash on devices with low memory
- Some minor bug fixes in quests, UI and in different game aspects

What’s next?

First of all, we already have some feedback from players regarding the new version. The major issue is the power of bots at the highest levels on the new wild land. We consider this and will tune it in the update 1.72 next week.

Secondly, we have chosen four major game features to be improved during the next two months:
1. Polishing daily-tasks. We need to add a couple of new daily quests and tune rewards and bots on Wild Lands.
2. Socialization. We already have a few rankings, clans and clan wars for castles. Our goal is to add some additional social features and polish the existing ones.
3. New magic spells to make battles and hero progression system deeper.
4. Monetization. The game has been changed a lot during past months and now we need to tighten the monetization to the new state of the game.

Also, we continue to improve user interfaces. We are going to completely change some elements including the level-up screen, hero profile screen, and the battle result dialog and tune other different elements.

Has been the game actually improved?

It is probably the most common question. Everybody is asking — why didn’t you do this or that? Why did you change this instead of that? How do you choose features to be implemented?

Well, there are many points of view on the game. Each player wants to see their own ideas to be implemented and their problems to be fixed as soon as possible. It is sometimes not easy to prioritize all requests. When making a decision we deal with some objective game metrics like retention rate or percentage of players passed a level.

We decided to share a chart of retention rate at the 2nd day and the 7th day. They show how many people return in the game after 1 and 7 days. We can not show exact values as there may be some misunderstanding according to different methods of calculating them. But we surely can show you a tendency.

We continue releasing new game build each week and negotiating with publishers. I hope we will be ready to uncover some news about the global release soon.

Meanwhile, we launched a test version of Lord Coin trading on https://market.lordmancer2.com. It is now being improved and next time we will publish a post devoted to the trading system.

You can download the latest game build on lordmancer2.io. Stay tuned!

