Lordmancer II dev log. Chapter 9.

Lordmancer II
2 min readJun 1, 2018


Today is the 1st of June. It is time to publish a report for the last month and our next steps to be implemented in June.

Lord Coins integration inside the game. We have significant progress in this task. We already created a separate service which is operating with Lord Coins and now is working on a fully secured solution which will be hosted on an external server. We decided to introduce it once we pass all the security tests. A new date of Lord Coin trading start is set to Jun 20. We apologize for the delay, but we must be confident that everything is secured.

Exchanges. Lord Coins have been approved to be listed on forkdelta.com We expect to be listed there in few days.

Lord Coin burning. 50% of the team tokens (which is 1000000 Lord Coins) were released according to the schedule. Due to a postpone of the game release, we decided to burn all this part of the team tokens. They were burnt today. Now the total supply of Lord Coin is 8.84 mln. You can check the information here: https://etherscan.io/address/0xd7f82e36ef04c9543ce18e6d1072354a1b9d629c#readContract

Publishers. After visiting a couple of conferences in May, we have seen a lot of interest from publishers. In general, they like the game, but they need to dive into game mechanics and game data deeper. Also, publishers are not familiar with cryptocurrency and they need to find a solution to deal with it. So we continue negotiating with publishers and we will tell all the news as soon as we have something solid.

Player acquisition. We are starting doing regular user acquisition in Russia in order to increase the number of players in middle and high levels. We are planning to get some thousand of new installs in June.

So our plan for June is the following:

1) Continue dealing with publishers

2) Start trading for Lord Coins

3) Continue releasing new build each week (we are working on UI, quests, and game content).

Stay in touch with us. We will keep you posted on any significant news.

