Lordmancer II dev log. Part 3

Lordmancer II
2 min readFeb 14, 2018


Today we are starting an internal testing the next game build whitch contains:

1) An absolutely new equipment system, all the items have been replaced with new ones. Stats, images, and their utilization were redesigned and recreated. The entire system has been changed.

2) A renewed game balance. We replaced all MOBs. Their power and rewards were adapted to make game tactics more various and game cycles more mobile oriented.

3) A lot of minor changes that should improve the entire game process.

We will test the build for a couple of days and once all found bugs are fixed, we will release it for players.

What’s next?

This is only the first step in rebalancing Lordmancer II. Then we will introduce a crafting system, new resources, and new geography of the game world. Now you can only loot items, but later you will be able to craft items!

Our final goal is to create a game where players, on one hand, can develop their heroes for months and even years and on the other hand, they need to interact with other players to achieve better results. Trading must be a significant part of Lordmancer II. This will create a continuous demand for Lord Coin.

A couple of screenshots of the crafting system are below.

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