Lordmancer II
2 min readAug 1, 2018

Release notes — build 1.74

It contains a lot of nice changes for both high and low levels. Also, we have improved the Lord Coin usage.

Changes and fixes:

  • Resource caps in Hero Bag and Storage are increased
  • Crafting of 50th level items is allowed!
  • Stability of the quest engine is increased
  • New conditions, targets and nodes are added to the quest engine — it will allow us to create more new quests in the following releases
  • Some minor changes in the existing quests
  • You can go to a hero profile from Ranking by tapping on a hero name
  • Cost of siege is charged from Hero Bag
  • Some minor fixes in UI (including tooltips, scrolling, selecting items, etc.)
  • Shrines are added on Wild Lands
  • A cooldown interval of getting Luck for free is decreased to 1 hour
  • Fixes in Rankings (a problem with points of dominations in PvP still exists)
  • An error regarding location loading after defeating in Rift of Trials is fixed
  • An error of freezing after a battle is fixed
  • Flashing textures on low-end devices are fixed
  • Rewards from bots on Sunny Island are decreased
  • Shagar The Black Teeth is weakened

Lord Coin usage:

  • Lord Coin private area http://market.lordmancer2.com is improved
  • You can use vk.com account to log in to the Lord Coin private area
  • A feature to reset your password is added to the Lord Coin private area
  • An amount of Lord Coins is shown in Hero Bag

Play on Android: https://yadi.sk/d/85zAOVhI3ErXSr

Request an iOS test version:


Have a nice play!