Release notes — game build 1.90

Lordmancer II
1 min readNov 13, 2018


The new game build is live on Android! iOS version will be available after Apple approval.

What’s new:
1. Game news dialogue added
2. Clan log improved — now you can see 100 last events
3. Resources descriptions added to Property dialogue
4. Search results in Property dialogue are now saved
5. Value of Damage is now shown along with a number of killed units in a battle
6. Some bugs in the game chat fixed
7. Chests added to Sunny Island
8. Resource drop on Wild Lands tuned
9. Now you can enhance equipment using Crystals. In this case, the probability of success is increased by 1.5 times and gold is not spent.
10. Some bugs fixes and minor improvements in UI, quests.

Have a nice game!

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