Byzer SQL Notebooks for Excel Power-Users

Life is Short; We DON’T Use Excel.

Lori Lu
2 min readApr 14, 2022

As straightforward as the title suggests, let’s get hands dirty.

In this tutorial, we’ll use an Excel file that contains two sheets: order and store.

P.S. Feel free to play with your own Excel workbooks!

#1 — Load Data from an Excel File with Multiple Sheets in Byzer

Load data from Excel sheets into Byzer as a table.

Here is the Load Statement:

load excel.`<file_path>` where header=”<true/false>” and dataAddress=”<sheet_name>!<first_cell>:<last_cell>”

as <table_name>;

-- Import data from Excel Sheet - Orders into a table called orderload excel.`./sample_data/sales/sales.xlsx`where header="true" and dataAddress="Orders!A1:I4990"as order;-- Import data from Excel Sheet - Stores into a table called storeload excel.`./sample_data/sales/sales.xlsx`where header="true" and dataAddress="Stores!A1:D23"as store;

#2 — Export Data into an Excel File in Byzer

You can analyze the data by running SQL queries in Byzer and then save those insights into a new Excel file as follows:

-- save your insights into an Excel fileselect count(*) as order_num from order as output;save overwrite output as excel.`./sample_data/sales/insights.xlsx`where header="true";

Try this command to find what parameters you can play with using Load&Save Excel Functions:

!show datasources/params/excel;

What’s Byzer?

Want to see how seamlessly Byzer Notebook integrates with SQL and Python? Go try this tutorial:

The EASIEST Way to Build and Visualise a Conversion Funnel

You can Do More with Less in Byzer !

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