Post Millenial Tension

4 min readOct 8, 2018


Today we launch “Post Millennial Tension” a song responding to the Hydra headed regression of culture that came to be personified by Trump, Brexiteers and the numerous other Fascist/Populists on the rise since we sang Spiritual Songs in 2016.

This is the tragedy of our times; faced with perma-crisis of late capitalism’s collapse, the political charade does a bizarre dance of distraction, in continuing disregard of The Real Issue; the impending catastrophe of climate change and the subsequent Die Out…

And here we are typing and screaming and typing and screaming from the hymn sheet of Millennial angst; Insecure, Directionless, Idealistic, Entitled; The Existential Black Sun looming as we watch culture consume itself behind Safely Distant Screen’s.

Narcissistic Nihilism is the inevitable and easy retreat of the rational pessimist. However it is the sincere belief of LUH that life’s purpose is rooted in the accumulation of experience gained by efforts to overcome, thus we remain OptiMystic and continue to create…

So, as part of our ongoing collaboration with Vevue (A decentralised Peer to Peer Social Platform built on the Block Chain) We are going to try an experiment for sourcing video content to create an original visual to the song… We will pin numerous locations on the Vevue Map with particular requests for footage as a response to the song, once sufficient content has been pooled we shall assemble an edit, creating a collective work. Each person who participates by uploading the requested content will own a percentage of the block chain copyrighted final video, and earn Token’s each time some one interacts with the Vevue token paywall.

Though our efforts may be nothing more than an enacted declaration of principle- the tokenised creative interaction of a post money world- it is our hope that it can model a blue print for others to take up and advance upon.

Bellow are series of Hyper-linked Lyrics to further explore the perspective of LUH’s Post Millennial Tension…

We need to Elevate! Rise above these given Laws; These given laws of Reality.

LVH’s Singing Stand Up and take my Hand, & Thru all that Comes promise you Will not Let Go. For this world we know is a Volcano about to Blow.

The First Crash Should have been a Warning, to the New Dark Age that was dawning, now Incandescent we sing

We are real intrigued, excited to see how this collective video experiment will turn out, Please don’t be Apathetic! Get Involved!

p.s Shout out to Tricky for eternal inspiration (+ who ever it was on the LUH Socials that word joked us into this song title ) & Humans of Late Capitalism for the wealth of meme’s.

