Dealing With Twin Flame Silent Treatment

Kate Henderson
5 min readNov 13, 2019

The Twin Flame separation phase can be hard enough without the extra strain but sometimes we absolutely do have to learn to deal with twin flame silent treatment.

What The Heck is Silent Treatment?

Most of us learn what the silent treatment is when we’re kids but basically it means your twin flame is not replying to you. Maybe they’re ignoring your messages online, by phone or they’re ignoring you in person.

But here’s the thing.

Technically there’s not really such a thing as the silent treatment when it comes to twin flames. This is not a normal relationship between to people and while there might be moments of silence (especially throughout the separation phase of your journey) it doesn’t work exactly how you’d normally consider the silent treatment to be.

This is because the bond between Twin Flames is a 5D connection, it’s not ego to ego based but soul to soul based. Normal old paradigm 3D relationship templates don’t apply to the Twin Flame connection. So you can’t interpret your twin’s behavior according to what applies in 3D.

Take a moment. Read that paragraph again. This is important to understand.

So what is going on? Why are they doing it? What does it mean? What can you do about it?

And (if you’re really stuck) do you need a twin flame reading?

Why Does a Twin Flame Runner Give You the Silent Treatment?

The twin flame journey is confusing at the best of times. You’re dealing with emotions you might not fully understand and the runner is dealing with the same — but resisting because they understand them even less than you do.

Asking why the runner does anything is usually an exercise in futility. The short answer can be god knows why they do anything. It can sometimes be very hard to figure out their motives but there usually is an underlying reason. We just need to scratch beyond the surface a bit.

If you’re the one currently dealing with the silent treatment from your twin flame I suggest you download this free audiobook. It’s got everything you need to take you from A -> Z and make the separation phase a lot quicker and easier. Plus it’s free so that’s always a bonus.

That audiobook will help you really understand why a twin flame journey is not just another ‘boy meets girl’ story and makes it a lot easier to navigate the quagmire of problems a path can face.

But back to the topic.

The silent treatment in the ‘3D’ part of the relationship is pretty much as you can expect.

Sometimes you can attribute their action just to their personality. But usually, there’s something deeper behind it. This anecdote is from someone dealing with the silent treatment and they learned it the hard way:

I used to think that it was because of my Twinnies personality. If he doesn’t want to answer a question, or doesn’t like what I say, he simply says nothing. So I’ve learned that him saying nothing always means something. Not that I always have it figured out what that “something” is. Maybe he doesn’t know it himself. — Or maybe it really means nothing at all? Go figure…

But sometimes it does make me feel as if he’s doing it just to get at me. I absolutely hate being ignored. (Leo ascendent talking.) Not that I believe my Twinnie to be sophisticated, or mean enough. Maybe it’s just him mirroring me. Or me being paranoid.

It really does provoke lots of feelings and reactions in us, doesn’t it? I usually get mad. Or sad. Or both. (Oh, all the hours I’ve spent feeling pissed off when he has ignored my messages for days…)

It started with him reading whatever message I sent (we use Facebook Messenger), but not answering or commenting. I mean, not even an emoji! He could at least done that! :/

As the next step, he wouldn’t even read my messages for days or even for a week. So I kinda had to split up our communication. Non-urgent stuff on Messenger, urgent stuff as text messages (those he seems to check daily).

This kind of behaviour can last anywhere from days to years in some cases. Twin Flame silence is one of the roughest parts of the separation phase but the good news (though it can be hard to see) is that it’s very common and doesn’t mean your path together is in any more trouble than it should be.

Dealing with your Twin Flame can certainly feel like they have all walls pulled up and nothing you say or do actually comes through, but yet there is a distinct difference.

Why Do They Give You the Silent Treatment?

The why in any of this is always a fun question. It can be hard to answer but generally (and I use that term carefully) it’s for the same reason time and time again. The runner feels the same intense feelings as the twin flame chaser but they don’t know what these feelings mean, so they panic and automatically try to resist.

It doesn’t mean anything is wrong it’s all par for the course. It’s a normal part of the separation phase but there are still links going on between the two of you.

During the runner & chaser stage of your journey you were probably flooded with signs telling you to hang in there, which fully brought you in the 4th-dimensional reality and hopefully taught you to start looking past outer appearances. The separation phase is the time to put this knowledge to practice and to just keep going until you hit 5D (trust me — it’s worth it).

In doubt if you’re on the right track? If you’ve met your twin flame? In separation and not sure why they’re acting this way? Get a twin flame reading and find out:

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