How do you measure success?

Louise Berry
3 min readAug 22, 2015


My friends and I in Australia feeling HAPPY

What I have always known about myself is that I have wanted to achieve greatness in whatever I do. Achievement is ‘to accomplish something successfully’, as I am sure you all will know. I write it because these four simple words raise big questions I ask myself; who measures the level of our success? what does that something have to be in order to be successful? does society guide us to what we think success means? will this success make me feel true fulfillment? all questions I still dont have the answer to.

When analysising achievement in relation to my career, I feel pressured by society and myself to question the level of my success, how much money I earn? what level of the chain I am at, is it high enough? How many people I am in charge of? even as something as small as as my job title, does it sound good enough? I should be asking myself what is my real motivation behind my career? I know in the past it has been money, recognition and being a leader, however I am not sure when I look back in 50 years that these will be the things that I can say I am proudest of. Yes of course I want to earn a healthy living and enjoy nice things so of course money is important. But does it really determine how much you achieve in life? Maybe it does, maybe it doesnt. I am ok with not knowing right now.

It has taken me a few years to start thinking for myself and what I want for my life. Travelling certainly helped by giving me time to think and new persepectives on life. Travelling also guided me to the path I am on now, which is starting a course in Interior Design. A path I would never have chosen for myself a couple of years ago but now I am on it I am feeling more fulfilled by the day. It also helped me to get back into an old hobby of mine, painting.

So what have I learnt from my travels? Far too much to write down! but in relation to my blog topic, it revealed that whatever I choose to do should make me happy, as you can live without a big income and high expenditure and still enjoy life! It made appreciate nature and its beauty more and totally devalued the value of money.

So now when I ask myself that same question (my real motivation behind success) my answer is; I want to be happy in my career. I want to be in a job that will get me up in the morning feeling happy and excited, that will challenge me and will develop my skills, if I can achieve those in the not too distant future I will feel successful, no matter my wage.

Would money, power and recognition make me happy in my? I am sure they wont make me unhappy but I dont believe that they are my main focus right now, obviously my goals may change as I progress, for now though, I strive to learn as much as I can about this industry, so I can feel my own worth and I can trust in my knowledge. I want to be confident in the work I do and know it is the very best I can achieve and most of all, my clients and I are happy with the outcome. I want to enjoy the process of developing creative ideas, forming relationships with people and being innovative in design. I strive to be better. I think for me, without a sense of being happy with myself and the work I do I cant then go on to bigger things.

I am using these blogs as a diary of my process of becoming an interior designer which will document my personal progression but also discuss what I have learnt and in turn I hope that what I share will be helpful to others.

