Louise Myers
3 min readMar 27, 2019
How Often To Post On Social Media [infographic]

Wondering how often to post on social media?

Great question. The short answer is, “As often as you can post quality content, consistently.”

Quality and consistency are key to social media success.

This has not changed for 2019, and I don’t expect it to ever change!

But you want more… you want tips and suggestions! A place to start. We got it.

The longer answer is: Recent studies have shown that there really are optimal posting frequencies for the different social media platforms.

And the good news is, it’s probably not as often as you may have heard!

That Facebook Page posting hourly, or Twitter account posting every 15 minutes? Forgetaboutit.

Maybe it works for accounts with 100,000’s of followers, but it doesn’t work for the average business using social media marketing.


We will cover:

  • How often to post on Facebook
  • How often to tweet on Twitter
  • How often to pin on Pinterest
  • How often to post on Instagram
  • How often to post on LinkedIn
  • How often to upload to YouTube

This post has been updated for 2019 by deleting Google+ (buh-bye) and adding YouTube.

You’ll find everything summed up on a colorful infographic at the end, PLUS a free content guide to keep your social media posts engaging!

Is how often you post on social media important?

YOU BET! As Neil Patel says,

If you post too infrequently, your audience will forget that you exist and you will quickly fade into the deep dark recesses of their minds. However, if you are posting too often, you will become a complete nuisance and they will dread seeing your posts overcrowding their feed.

So here’s what the research says, to help you get this right.

I share my own posting frequency. Don’t try to max out every platform — unless you have unlimited time or funds. Or use a magical scheduling tool, like Missinglettr, mentioned below (my secret weapon!).

How Often to Post on Facebook

How Often to Post on Facebook

Most studies agree that once per day is optimal, with a maximum of two posts per day.

Hubspot found that pages under 10,000 fans experienced a 50% drop in engagement per post if they posted more than once per day.

At a minimum, you should post to your Facebook Pages 3 times per week.

As far as when to post to Facebook, I keep seeing studies that tout early afternoon. That’s never worked for me. It may be that more people are online and sharing then, but I think that just means I’m lost in the crowd.

I find it best to post before 6:30am Pacific, or after 8:30pm. I post 2–3 times per week.

When your audience is online will determine when you should post. Be sure to check your Facebook Insights.

Schedule your posts in advance right on your Facebook Page (It’s free! here’s how).

Read the rest of the post and see the infographic at:
How Often To Post On Social Media: 2019 Success Guide

Louise Myers

Graphic Design Expert teaching biz owners to create social media graphics for more engagement, viral marketing, and leads! https://LouiseM.com