The Power of Asking The Right Questions

Love The Idea
4 min readNov 26, 2016


. As what Albert Einstein said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning”

We, humans are curious by nature and our never ending search for answers even started during our early childhood stage. This habit of questioning can also be an essential practice in different fields of specialization most importantly to business minded professionals out there.

You need to ask the right question to get the right answer.

Who knows this may also lead you to the right path but just a word of advice, asking questions does not necessarily mean you need to keep asking queries which you could blindly answer yourself. If it’s as simple as ABC then there’s no need to ask.

But don’t get me wrong I do believe that the basic principles need to be asked. Sometimes you may not have all the idea in the world but we have this word called common sense.

Growing up most of the questions we seek answer is from those who were older and much wiser than us. People who have had much experience than we, so to speak. But there are just some instances were they don’t hold the answer for themselves maybe because it’s not their line of interest or they clearly don’t have knowledge of it in some sort but is yet to be discovered.

Question people who knows something about your field, don’t just ask random people with random question and expect a spot on answer in return. Ask question which can benefit you and your business. Know what’s in the new and whatnot.

Having the art in questioning

Being an entrepreneur I have never fully understood the importance in art of questioning. I thought that by asking a bunch of questions it’s the best tool for interacting.

Little did I know I was clearly losing my credibility as an entrepreneur especially to the face of my clients and as a result it terribly drains me and absolutely gaining nothing out of the discussions.

Just one of the good example for art of questioning is the way Shark Tank tycoons does it on their telly series. There questions are always intertwined with their main focal point. It should be laid out correctly and it should be interconnected. And in return answers from Guest Sharks should be good enough for Sharks to take the bait and go home with an offer.

Deliberate you queries clearly don’t go giddy and all over the place. Don’t confuse your audience so you get a straight answer.

Spoon feeding is so for babies.

I know it’s kinda contradicting with the above statement but come on, that’s why in a classroom set up we now see teachers facilitate their class with discussions through utilizing the art of questioning so that students could catch up with their day’s lesson.

Then, we have Customer Representatives who help us by capturing cues or keywords through our statements and use follow up questions in order to confirm the issue to provide the best resolution. There are instances where they just hear one word or a group of phrase and they are good to go.

Neat right?

Haven’t I mentioned competent lawyers who also uses smart questioning which allows them to catch a statement to lead them and win a case. These are just one of the few functions of effective questioning in different field of specialization.

Ignited the spark in your business by venturing around. It doesn’t mean when you have the privilege of asking you exclude the fact that you should make the move and searching for yourself.

Don’t let other people make the significant changes for you. Your employees may help but isn’t it rewarding when you are the brains out of certain ideas? You will feel proud and have pride on what you do when you don’t wait around for other people to do it for you.

Actively listen

But one thing I’ve discovered from that mistake is by just asking the right questions while actively listening because it’s really critical for entrepreneurs, like me, to start asking “effectively” in order to create business breakthroughs.

Your Take Away

As an entrepreneur, the habit of asking yourself “why?” can be your way to improve, gain knowledge at the same time come out with best solutions to help your business grow.

It may not be the best tool for success but it can be a best tool for you to start thinking of innovative ways for your business to grow and show results.

The sole reason for this is to capture insights and learn to come up with better solutions which no one else is doing. Of course, first you have to mind and determine the problem which is usually done through smart questioning.

Like children business companies should grow the same way as a single human being does.

Start out by asking too many questions then you ask fewer questions as you grow and mature.

And for a company to maintain that questioning mindset as it matures, it must try to keep thinking in an entrepreneurial way.

Keep searching, keep moving, and never stop improving because success is not a one stop battle.



Love The Idea

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