GitHub Pages + GoDaddy
Setting the DNS for GitHub Pages on GoDaddy
GitHub Pages is an incredibly simple, user-friendly solution for hosting a simple personal website.
For a personal page your default address will be:, but in a few simple steps you can quickly setup a custom domain for your page. GitHub provides this fairly detailed documentation and there’s a great tutorial for Namecheap, but I wanted to share the quick and dirty steps to setup your custom domain if you’ve registered your domain name through GoDaddy.
- Create a new file named “CNAME” in the root of your page directory.
- Put the domain in your file, e.g.
- Commit & push your changes.
- Login to your GoDaddy Account.
- Go to “Manage Your Domains”.
6. Under the “DNS” tab, click “DNS Manager”.
7. Click “Edit Zone”
8. Under the “A” Section update IP address to:
9. Under the “CNAME (alias)” Section edit the “points to” for www to:
10. Save changes and patiently wait for your DNS settings to update.