How Much Money Do People Leave at a Casino in a Day?

Lu Dyar
2 min readJan 17, 2017


There are a lot of casinos all over the world. Every day, they bring big money to their owners. There is an opinion that house always wins and it is really so. Casino works and enriches with the help of gamblers every day. It is almost impossible to say how much money people leave at a casino every day, because it depends on location, size of a casino, and a number of visitors that gamble there. An average casino makes about $80 000 per day, but this number varies and there are casinos that earn much more and there are casinos that earn much less money. How can they make such money every day? There are some special tricks that help casinos to earn a lot. Here you will find a list of some of them.

Tricks that help casinos to earn every day

No clocks

Gamblers don’t pay attention to time and the more they play, the more a casino earns. As a rule there are no clocks inside a casino and players just don’t know how much time they spend there.

Free alcohol

A lot of casinos propose free alcohol to their clients. Alcohol slows brain activity and in such a way, people who uses some strategies, can’t do it anymore. More than that, people just don’t mention how much money they lose.

No windows

There are no windows at a casino. Gamblers just don’t know if it is a day or if it is already night, time flies very fast and money disappears with the time too.

Smart design

Usually casinos are constructed in such a way, that there are a lot of attractive activities in the every corner of a casino. When you enter it, you become involved into this magic and shining world and it is almost impossible to leave it quickly without leaving some money there.

