How to keep a poker face whilst playing Poker

Lu Dyar
2 min readMay 30, 2017


When tension is very high, it is really difficult to have a good Poker face. It is a hard task to control your emotions when you are excited or disappointed. It is necessary to control emotions and to be able to relax in order to save a poker face during the game.

Tips how to keep a poker face

Always look into your opponents eyes

It is necessary to look directly into your opponents eyes whilst playing Poker. Don’t look away even for one second. Eye contact plays a very important role in this card game.

Stay confident

It is necessary to be confident on a poker table. Players, who bluff a lot, usually avoid eye contact and they seem to be unconfident. Players have to be aggressive in their hands and show they have no intensions to back down.

Try to relax your face

In order to have a poker face it is necessary to relax all muscles on the face, to relax and to breathe deeply. Keeping emotions under control is the key rule of Poker.

Always look straight

If you wish to have a poker face, it is necessary to look straight. Avoid looking left, right or up, it will mean that you are trying to hide something. Try to minimize eye movements.

Wear sunglasses

Some poker players wear sun glasses to hide their eyes. If you are not sure that you can control your eyes, follow their example.

Practice a poker face in front of the mirror

It is a good advice to practice a poker face in front of the mirror. You will be able to see your natural expression. Repeat this exercise every day and you will successfully control your face whilst playing Poker.

